Kinéis, satellite IoT connectivity operator
Kinéis provides low-speed satellite connectivity for miniaturized, energy-independent objects. Whether for fixed infrastructures or mobile objects outside terrestrial coverage areas, Kinéis breaks down IoT barriers.
Kinéis and Altyor are collaborating on the creation of demonstration terminals to monitor and connect infrastructures and equipment in all regions of the world, thanks to Kinéis IoT satellite connectivity.
Based on the functional requirements expressed by Kinéis, Altyor designed a robust, versatile terminal. This demonstration terminal meets the needs of users wishing to familiarize themselves with Kinéis technology in a wide range of concrete applications (infrastructure, transport and logistics, etc.). Leveraging its expertise in mechatronics applied to IoT and supported by engineers at Kinéis, Altyor has been able to deliver a first set of functional prototypes, some of which are hybrid, combining LoRa™ terrestrial connectivity with Kinéis satellite connectivity.
A mission built around a true partnership founded on trust and the co-construction of an ambitious strategic project with a global scope. Since April 2021, the terminals have been successfully deployed with Kinéis customers wishing to test satellite connectivity before launching larger-scale developments, and feedback confirms the real interest in global IoT connectivity.