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The Industrial Start-Up Diag

Are you a start-up, SME or ETI with an industrial project in its initial phase? Are you looking to innovate or launch a new development? This scheme, operated by Bpifrance, is designed to help you launch your industrial adventure.

A program financed up to 80% by Bpifrance

Bpifrance supports French industrialization and reindustrialization by financing up to 80% of your Diag Amorçage Industriel, depending on the size of your company.

What is the Industrial Start-up Diag?

Since 1992, we’ve been working with project owners on their product architecture and production strategy. Our ability to understand technical and market needs is widely recognized, as is our in-depth knowledge of industrial processes and subcontractors. Our mastery of over 160 hardware and firmware bricks enables us to make pertinent product architecture choices, with the aim of producing a product that can be easily industrialized. Altyor, through this Diagnostic, operated by Bpifrance, will help you meet your industrial challenge.

The construction of your Diagnostic will depend on the maturity of your project and your needs. Your diagnosis may consist of all or part of these four blocks:

Building your specifications and product architecture
We analyze your specifications and, if necessary, transform your usage specifications into technical specifications. We define your product architecture and draw up the product bill of materials. Finally, we analyze the value chain.
Challenge of the business plan on the industrial side
With over 200 IoT projects in the hands of our expert engineers, the costing and planning exercise is mastered and as close as possible to the technical realities on the ground.
Recommendations for industrial strategy
In this Diag Amorçage Industriel, we define your ‘make or buy’ strategy by family of parts or sub-assemblies. We define your sourcing and localization strategy. Finally, we present you with a matrix of choices for different scenarios (needs, supplier strategy, resources, costing, risks, management, etc.).
Eco-design and eco-responsible decisions
We raise your awareness of product eco-design issues: reparability, durability, energy optimization. We can also pass on best practices in product simplicity: packaging, recycled materials, simplicity, utility. Finally, we advise you on the business model to choose to create a circular economy loop and an anticipated end-of-life.

Do you have a project for us?

How to successfully industrialize your connected object?

Industrialization is a key stage in the development and production of an electronic product. In this guide, our experts have put together 16 key points to help you understand what’s at stake in this phase.

From design to industrialization, production and remanufacturing, we offer ongoing, customized global support to ensure the success of your project.

Innovation support

_Building a solid foundation for your industrial project

Mechanical electronic design

_Give lasting life
to your product


_Industrializing and making your production more reliable


_Industrializing and making your production more reliable


_Supporting your product’s life cycle