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What are the challenges and benefits of making electronic products in France?

What are the challenges and benefits of making electronic products in France? 1000 553 Altyor

In this video, Olivier Brett, French Fab Manager at Altyor, explains the challenges of producing a connected project in France,…

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Eco-design prevention plan, have you done it?

Eco-design prevention plan, have you done it? 1000 553 Altyor

Under the AGEC law, producers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) must submit an eco-design prevention plan (EPP) via an…

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Altyor and AgreenTech Valley on the road to smart farming

Altyor and AgreenTech Valley on the road to smart farming 1000 553 Altyor

Since June 28, Altyor has been an official member of the AgreenTech Valley Board of Directors. Find out more here…

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The Make it! Academy for hardware start-ups

The Make it! Academy for hardware start-ups 1000 553 Altyor

Make it! academy, first promo For 11 weeks, 5 hardware start-ups took part in a special hardware program organized by…

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Altyor, New Member of the UN Global Compact

Altyor, New Member of the UN Global Compact 1000 553 Altyor

Altyor is now a member of the United Nations Global Compact. This voluntary commitment confirms our desire to continue to…

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bilan carbone altyor

It’s (carbon) assessment time at Altyor!

It’s (carbon) assessment time at Altyor! 1000 553 Altyor

Altyor has taken the spontaneous step of carrying out its carbon assessment. Yes, spontaneous! This means that we were not…

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définition IoT

IoT: definition, figures and challenges

IoT: definition, figures and challenges 1000 553 Altyor

IoT, the Internet of Things, is a growing field that is being integrated into all business sectors. Definition, key figures…

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engagement RSE

Renewed quality and CSR commitments

Renewed quality and CSR commitments 1000 553 Altyor

More than words, at Altyor, we adopt performance indicators related to our quality processes and our environmental, social and ethical…

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Equipe altyor Orléans badminton

Altyor, partner of the Orléans Master Badminton since 2014

Altyor, partner of the Orléans Master Badminton since 2014 1000 553 Altyor

Premium sponsor since 2014 of the Badminton International Tournament Altyor has been a partner of the Badminton International Tournament for…

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réussir conception mécanique

How to succeed in the mechanical design process of your smart devices?

How to succeed in the mechanical design process of your smart devices? 1000 553 Altyor

Mechanical design process and electronic design is the first major step in your product journey. It will lead you to…

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Altyor MWC barcelone

Altyor at MWC Barcelona!

Altyor at MWC Barcelona! 1000 553 Altyor

Design for Tomorrow presented at MWC Barcelona! The MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS is the largest trade fair for the mobile industry.…

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MWC Barcelone

[Conference] Sustainability on mobile devices: tracking impact

[Conference] Sustainability on mobile devices: tracking impact 1000 553 Altyor

This session will discuss on the progress of the industry to reduce the environmental impact and on the other hand…

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