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What are the challenges and benefits of Made in France for electronic products?

    Olivier Brett, French Fab Manager at Altyor, explains in this video the challenges of producing a connected project in France, but also the advantages of developing a more flexible business model.

    The challenges of Made in France

    Producing in France is increasingly attractive for reasons of sovereignty and ecology, except that it comes up against rather difficult walls, such as the higher cost of manufacturing and setting up a production line in France, non-existent partners for certain technologies, and an industry that is too specialized and not suited to smart devices.
    The good news is that more and more manufacturers are willing to play the game, and share our desire to find solutions.

    The advantages of Made In France

    In the end, the important thing is not to pit the two manufacturing countries against each other, but to choose one or the other according to your needs. For example, if you want to create a reconditioning or recycling loop for your product, choosing a French manufacturer will be more coherent and flexible. If you want to start by producing small or medium-sized series, a French manufacturer will be able to meet your needs. If you want to customize your product, Made in France will be THE solution.

    At Altyor, we tailor the industrial design solution to your needs, with a full understanding of the real environmental impacts that each choice will entail.

    Finally, a quote from Leon Trotsky: “Perseverance is what makes the impossible possible, the possible probable and the probable reality”.

    Altyor’s Made in France assembly unit

    At its Saint Cyr en Val site in France, Altyor has an assembly unit for electronic products. This facility enables our customers to carry out production entirely in France.

    From the production of hundreds to tens of thousands of items, Altyor’s Made in France assembly unit offers companies the possibility of manufacturing their complex, multi-functional products in France.

    What is a Made In France electronic product?

    A “Made in France” electronic product is one that has been designed, manufactured and assembled in France. This means that all stages of production, from initial design to final manufacture, have been carried out in France. Here are a few key elements that may characterize a “Made in France” electronic product:

    • Design: Product design, including design, creation of electronic schematics, and on-board software programming, is carried out in France.
    • Manufacturing: Electronic components are assembled to form the finished product using local manufacturing processes. This may include PCB soldering, component installation, and other necessary operations.
    • Assembly: The various parts of the electronic product, such as printed circuit boards, displays, housings, etc., are assembled to create the final product.
      Testing and quality control: Products undergo rigorous testing to ensure that they function correctly, meet quality and safety standards.
    • Packaging: Product packaging is also made in France, highlighting the product’s French origin.

    It’s important to note that in the electronics sector, many components are often manufactured in different countries around the world. As a result, it can be difficult to find electronic products that are entirely “Made in France” without any imported components. Nevertheless, the “Made in France” label can be used if the majority of the work and manufacturing is carried out in France.

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