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[Formation] Introduction to eco-design

Today, more than ever, it is crucial to rethink our modes of production and consumption in order to build a sustainable future. This course offers you a unique opportunity to acquire practical skills and in-depth knowledge of the principles of eco-design.

This course (Qualiopi certified) aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the challenges of eco-design for mechanical and electronic products, and its implications in a constantly evolving environmental context. It is structured around four main objectives:

Explain the environmental context and why action is needed
Identify the challenges for companies: opportunities, risks, regulations
Introduce eco-design and life-cycle analysis
Know the tools and methods for implementing eco-design approaches

Target audience

Product project manager, RD, designer, designer, marketing manager, CSR manager, management


2 days classroom training at Altyor’s Saint-Cyr-en-Val site (45590)

If you would like your teams to be trained on your premises, please contact us directly.


1400 € excl. VAT (lunch included – evening meal and accommodation not included) Qualiopi-certified training course


No prerequisites required

Next session

october 2 3, 2024

Next session

December 4 and 5, 2024

Limited number of companies per session

The training program

Presentation of the environmental context

Combating climate change and pollution
Overconsumption and its environmental impact
Key figures for France, at individual and industry level

Why and how to eco-design?

Economic interests, regulatory obligations
French and European legislation (REACH, RoHS, AGEC law, EPR chain)
The importance of life-cycle calculations and pollution transfer
Example comparing combustion engine cars VS electric cars

Eco-design life cycle assessment (LCA)

Presentation of eco-design and LCA, ISO 14040/14044 standard
Presentation of environmental indicators (multi-criteria approach)
Complete presentation of the approach: tools, LCI, scope, business unit, analysis, etc.

Applying LCA

Application exercise with an LCA/modeling tool.

Eco-design for the circular economy

Definition of circular economy (CE)
CE challenges and business models
The economic environmental benefits of CE
Examples of inspiring approaches

How do you deploy your approach?

Altyor testimonial and REX
Get your staff on board
Bringing customers and suppliers on board

How do you communicate your approach?

Ecolabel standards and self-declarations
Rules of good practice on communication, the pitfalls of greenwashing and greenhushing

Your trainer

Bastien Spinella

Altyor Sustainable Development Manager

Bastien, an engineer by training, has been co-constructing Altyor’s eco-design strategy since 2020, and shares his experience through training courses and round tables. He is also a Bpifrance expert for the Diag Ecoconception..

Diags, operated by Bpifrance

Understand, measure and define concrete solutions to reduce your product’s environmental footprint with the Ecodesign Diag.
Take up the challenge of industrialization with the Start-Up Industrial Diag
Create or rethink your product design with Diag Design

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