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The Design Diag

The Design Diagnostic is a tailor-made solution to help your company define or redefine its design strategy. This program is operated by Bpifrance and carried out by Altyor’s expert engineers.

A program financed up to 50% by Bpifrance

Bpifrance supports the industrial performance of products by financing up to 50% of your Design Diagnosis, depending on the size of your company.

What is Design Diag ?

A design assessment of your company’s product
Customized recommendations
Definition of areas for improvement based on usage scenarios, challenges or company constraints
Design solution proposal
When it comes to creating and improving products, proposing design solutions plays a crucial role in meeting your needs.

Do you have a project for us?

How to design a successful connected object?

Mechanical and electronic design is the first major step in your product journey. It will lead you to the prototyping, industrialization and production phases. In this guide, you’ll discover 18 key points for designing your connected object.

From design to industrialization, production and remanufacturing, we offer ongoing, customized global support to ensure the success of your project.

Innovation support

_Building a solid foundation for your industrial project

Mechanical electronic design

_Give lasting life
to your product


_Industrializing and making your production more reliable


_Industrializing and making your production more reliable


_Supporting your product’s life cycle