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The eco design Diag

The Ecodesign Diag is a measured assessment of your product’s environmental impact. This program is operated by Bpifrance and Ademe, and carried out by Altyor’s sustainable development experts.

A program financed up to 70% by Bpifrance

Bpifrance supports the environmental performance of products by financing up to 70% of your Eco-design Diag, depending on the size of your company.

What is the Ecodesign Diag?

Training to mobilize your company
We organize training for your teams and management on eco-design issues.
This will enable you to develop skills around these issues and the tools implemented during the diagnosis.
Your Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Design for Tomorrow index
After collecting the data that make up your product, Altyor models the life cycle analysis of your current product. This work will highlight the impact of your product, by environmental indicator.
It will also highlight the most carbon-intensive phases: transport, manufacturing, end-of-life… an opportunity to put numbers to reality and deconstruct presupposed ideas.
Eco-design recommendations
Based on these two assessments, our teams will draw up recommendations for improving your environmental footprint, which will be presented in a pre-report.
You’ll need to think about which scenarios you’d like to pursue with the Diag Ecodesign mission.
A new assessment
From the 2 or 3 alternative scenarios defined together, Altyor models the environmental gains through a new life cycle analysis and calculates their Design For Tomorrow index. These results are presented and explained at the final feedback session.
An initial economic sizing
We also present you with a costing of the technical and economic impact of implementing the actions.
You can then make decisions based on quantified and measured comparisons, and implement concrete actions to reduce your product’s environmental footprint..

The Diag Ecoconception is operated by :

Do you have a project for us?

How can you successfully eco-design your electronic product?

Eco-design brings together all the levers for reducing a product’s environmental footprint, whether in terms of power consumption, durability, packaging or other factors. In this guide, our experts have put together 15 key points to show you the actions you can take to act effectively.

From design to industrialization, production and remanufacturing, we offer ongoing, customized global support to ensure the success of your project.

Innovation support

_Building a solid foundation for your industrial project

Mechanical electronic design

_Give lasting life
to your product


_Industrializing and making your production more reliable


_Industrializing and making your production more reliable


_Supporting your product’s life cycle