Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

Our solutions

From strategic thinking to the design and manufacture of electronic products
Need help defining your IoT strategy or your smart device?
Got a product to develop and manufacture?

Got a product to develop and manufacture?

Discover our three design and production programs
développement et fabrication objets connectés
prototypes fonctionnels

Need functional prototypes?

We’ll bring your idea to life within a controlled budget and timeframe.

Validate technical feasibility
Confirm market interest
concevoir et de fabriquer objet connecté

Need to design and manufacture your smart device?

We use state-of-the-art industrial processes to develop and manufacture your products.

Bringing new products to market
Expand your product line or offer smart product solutions
gestion supply chain

Need to outsource your high-volume production and supply chain?

We’ll handle everything for you.

Enjoy added convenience and peace of mind
Guarantee the quality of your products

Need help defining your IoT strategy or your smart product?

Discover Altyor’s three support programs
définir un produit IoT
unlock programme stratégie IoT

Need guidance with your innovation strategy?

We’ll support you as your business evolves by digitizing part of your activity through the Internet of Things (IoT).

Be advised on IoT strategies adapted to your business
Explore technological solutions that meet your product needs
Carry out a technical audit of your product/POC to proceed to the next step after

Do you need to raise funds and receive support to maximise your chances?

We’ll work with you for 11 weeks to build a viable, realistic project right up to the day of Demo Day, your pitch to hardware investors.

Expert advice on the relevance of my product, my business plan and my technical choices
Be equipped with a solid and complete file to maximise your chances of raising funds
Be prepared for the pitch in form and content
Meet hardware investors at Demo Day

Advantages of working with Altyor

production de qualité
picto traçabilité
Security and tracking
picto cir cii
Tax credits (CIR/CII)

A single point of contact from A to Z

Altyor supports its customers’ vision from strategic thinking to mechanical and electronic design through to mass production.

picto definition projet
IoT strategy

& project definition

picto design produit

Product & packaging

picto conception produit
Product design

Mechanical & electronic

picto prototypage produit
Functional product prototyping

Mechanical & electronic

picto prototypage produit

& certification support

picto industrialisation produit

Tools, manufacturing & testing processes

picto manufacturing chine

Europe & China

picto logistique

Altyor to the rest of the world

Got a project to submit?
logo altyor blanc
Contact us

Write to us here
Do you prefer the telephone?
+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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or on our blog

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and join Team Altyor

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