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Industrialisation, a key issue for successful manufacturing

From a finished prototype, we design,
make reliable and put into production
all the tooling, assembly lines and test benches required
for series production.

A key step in securing your production

Industrialization is a key stage in the development and production of an electronic product. It includes :

mechanical engineering: design and implementation of all tooling (molds, dies, etc.), decorating tools, assembly equipment, etc.
electronics: production of steel masks, assembly of components on electronic boards (SMT engineering)
test benches: design, production, reliability
methods: production of the assembly file or Manufacuring file
certifications: qualification, pre-certification, preparation of documentation

The manufacturing file, a central deliverable for industrialization

From the very first component placements, routings and designs, we apply our industrial methods to guarantee a reliable product – this is what we call Design for Manufacturing. All the DFMs (parts drawings, electronic board definitions, overall drawings) form the basis of this manufaturing file.

It also includes assembly instructions, workshop layout and quality control specifications for robust assembly lines and optimal ramp-up.

From this deliverable, our teams will launch the first iterative production stages. With each iteration, your production becomes more mature and reliable, and your production department begins to produce in large quantities.

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Designing and manufacturing your molds and tools

Altyor is an expert in the design of plastic parts, and a force to be reckoned with in terms of materials and processes, with extensive know-how in the transformation of materials (plastics, silicone, metal, etc.).
We have designed and manufactured molds for hundreds of customers. We offer tailor-made solutions, based on integrated or subcontracted industrial resources, in Europe or China.

The choice of transformation processes (injection, compression, extrusion, machining, stamping, marking, surface treatment and finishing, etc.) is adapted to the mechanical, functional, aesthetic and normative requirements of our customers and sized to best suit the quantities to be manufactured.

Qualification, pre-certification and certification

Once the first products have been assembled, Altyor qualifies the product according to the qualification plan drawn up at the design stage, and pre-certifies the product using our integrated tooling. The aim of qualification and pre-certification is to ensure compliance with the requirements of the standards required for its use.

Final certification is carried out by an independent body, with monitoring and support from Altyor, using products from the initial production phases.

Our programs to suit your needs

How to successfully industrialize your connected object?

Industrialization is a key stage in the development and production of an electronic product. In this guide, our experts have put together 16 key points to help you understand what’s at stake in this phase.

Discover all our references


Sana, the connected mobile expert unit that disinfects, purifies and deodorizes indoor air.
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