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IoT satellite terminal


Kinéis, satellite IoT connectivity operator

Kineis provides low bandwidth satellite connectivity to connect miniaturised and energy autonomous objects. From fixed infrastructure to mobile objects outside terrestrial coverage areas, Kinéis breaks the barriers of IoT.

Kinéis and Altyor are collaborating to create demonstration terminals to track and connect infrastructures and equipment in all regions of the world, using Kinéis IoT satellite connectivity.

Based on the functional requirements expressed by Kinéis, Altyor has designed a robust and versatile terminal. This demonstration terminal meets the expectations of users wishing to appropriate Kinéis technology in a wide range of concrete applications (infrastructure, transport and logistics, etc.). Exploiting its expertise in mechatronics applied to IoT and supported by engineers at Kinéis, Altyor was able to deliver a first set of functional prototypes, some of which are hybrid, combining LoRa™ terrestrial connectivity with Kinéis satellite connectivity. A mission achieved around a true partnership based on trust and the co-construction of an ambitious strategic project whose scope is necessarily global. Since April 2021, the terminals have been successfully deployed to Kinéis customers who wish to test satellite connectivity before launching larger-scale developments, and the feedback confirms the real interest in global IoT connectivity.

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