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The top 5 French IoT companies according to Altyor

The top 5 French IoT companies according to Altyor

The top 5 French IoT companies according to Altyor 1000 553 Altyor

With more than 30 years of experience in the industrial field, Altyor offers a complete solution in terms of IoT strategic thinking for the design and manufacture of connected objects.
Today, there are more and more companies on the connected objects market. Disruptive and innovative, discover our top 5 players in the connected world.

somfy home alarme

N°1: Somfy, the specialist in connected home automation solutions

Thanks to its strong innovation policy, Somfy has been able to consolidate its position as a world leader in the area of automation of home and building systems, offering connected home automation solutions to its customers.
At Altyor, we know Somfy closely, especially since their acquisition of MyFox in 2016, which allowed Somfy to establish its position in the smart alarm field. One can only notice the professionalism of the Somfy teams on a daily basis, the company seeks high quality levels and really wants to provide its customers with innovative and responsible solutions.

valideur de ticket connecté

N°2: Famoco, a key player in urban mobility

Famoco is not well-known to the general public, but it is a part of our daily lives. The company offers secure mobile terminals in the sectors of payment, urban mobility and identity verification. For example, Famoco and Altyor work hand in hand on the design and manufacture of ticket validators for urban transport.
Another striking example, in 2020 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations World Food Programme. Famoco is the French start-up behind the program that provides payment cards and terminals as part of the distribution of financial assistance to people in distress.

porte monnaie enfant

N°3: Money Walkie, the connected wallet for the family

Money Walkie is one of the French start-ups to follow. Initially powered by Docaposte’s incubator (under the name of JAAB), Money Walkie is now flying on its own. And its flight is likely to reach the heights. Their solution: a connected wallet via an application.
Their approach is simple: Walkie allows parents to entrust small budgets to their children, teaching them to manage them by tracking their expenses while avoiding the risks associated with carrying cash. Also a world of Apps not targeted at children. To be followed…

module enocean nodon

N°4: NodOn, French leader in smart homes

NodOn is a rising company in the area of smart homes and buildings. A subsidiary of Altyor, NodOn expands its connected solutions every day. Recently, the company launched its Zigbee product line. In white label, customized solutions or own brand, NodOn provides its expertise in the smart-homes and buildings to all its customers: Schneider Electric, Boulanger, Vimar, etc., up to the construction craftsmen.

puce ela

N°5: ELA Innovation, industrial IoT specialist

ELA Innovation is an “outsider” on our list, whose place on the Industrial IoT market ensures it has a place on this podium. ELA Innovation is a French company created in 2000, specializing in RFID and BLE tags, sensors and readers, including mesh. Personal access control, location of indoor equipment, temperature control, movement detection: ELA Innovation solutions are used widely. ELA Innovation has succeeded in establishing itself as a leader in the world of connected technology in the industrial sector.

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