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Altyor’s recycling loop

What is the purpose of a recycling loop?

Our Recycling loop has existed since the 2000s, and its exclusively French version since 2020. This loop has been built around French partners who are experts in the field of recycling or injection moulding. Each step in the recycling of plastic is key, with the ultimate goal of creating clean, re-injectable recycled material. Indeed, each decision can be crucial: poor sorting can lead to black spots on the re-injected product or poor homogenisation can lead to loss of technical performance and colour instability.

In the recycling chain managed by Altyor, multiple engineering plastics are processed, such as ABS or PC, resulting in 100% recycled products in multiple colours.

What are the different stages of a recycling loop?

  • Product recovery

    Product recovery is obviously the first step in product recycling, but it is the most difficult. Altyor gives some business model advice to help you in this phase.

  • Dismantling

    The next step is dismantling. The electronics must be separated from the mechanical parts. On the electronic side, some components with rare metals can be recovered and recycled in specialised channels. As for the mechanics, the elements must be separated according to their type of material. For example, silicone must be separated from plastic. This stage is also very important. The better it is done, the cleaner the recycled material will be and the more ideal it will be for reinjection. This stage also shows the advantages of eco-design upstream: eliminating bi-material products, avoiding labels stuck on the plastic, banning ultrasonic welding, etc. All this experience now enables Altyor to obtain a stage 2 without complexity.

  • Shredding and removal of ferrous elements

  • Homogenisation

    This phase is very important. Its objective is to make the material homogeneous in terms of colour, texture and behaviour over a batch of several tonnes. Poor homogenisation may have consequences on the technicality of the material and its aesthetic appearance.

  • Extrusion

    Extrusion or regeneration makes it possible to reconstitute a raw material with the same shape as a new material (also known as virgin). How is it done? The recycled pellets are placed in an extruder, a machine consisting of a heated tube through which a rotating screw passes. At the end of this process, the material is softened, formed into spaghetti and cut into pellets.

  • Injection

    The recycled material is now ready to be used in an injection mould to create a new object!

  • Injection

    The recycled material is now ready to be used in an injection mould to create a new object!

boucle recyclage ouverte

Plastic: How to set up a recycling loop?

thanks to its expertise and its network of partners. The Altyor loop, created with French players, is effective and allows millions of recycled plastic parts to be made each year.

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