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Altyor’s Refurbishing loop

What is the purpose of a reconditioning loop?

The Refurbishing loop is one of the solutions that Altyor offers its customers as part of a circular economy strategy. This channel consists of the reconditioning or refurbishing of products at the end of their life. These products may either be damaged or simply no longer used by customers following a new version of the product, for example.

In this loop, Altyor will recover these products to give them a new life. In this new life, the products can, depending on the client’s business model, be resold on reconditioned sales channels or donated to associations.

What are the types of reconditioning?

Reconditioning can be carried out in several ways depending on the type of product non-conformity. If the product is working, it may be a simple cleaning, or change of appearance parts. If the product no longer functions, it may be a simple cleaning, or a change of appearance parts.

In all three cases, Altyor’s mechanical and electronic R&D centre has the industrial resources to dismantle, reassemble and repair electronic boards. Our expertise is complete and integrated to offer several lives to products.

What are the stages of reconditioning?

  • Receipt of products

    The first step is the reception of the products and the identification of the failure typologies. The products are scanned via their Serial Number (SN) for registration. Then they are tested by our quality department for defect analysis. The products are then sent according to the defect to the dedicated Refusrbishing area.

  • The repair

    The second step is repair. Resetting an SD card, replacing defective components, rewiring… Our soldering and repair technicians carry out this refurbishment.

  • The final check

    The third step is the final inspection. Once the repair has been completed, the products are then sent to the final inspection station where the quality department confirms the correct functioning of the repaired product.

  • Packaging

    Finally, in the fourth step, we package the product with a traceability barcode upon receipt by the customer.

[Case study] Setting up a REFURBISHING loop for Bookinou

The start-up Pimely has created the Bookinou audio reader for young children. Altyor is their industrial partner and supports them in the design and production of their product. Pimely has created a circular economy scheme aimed at recovering the Bookinou that are more used or abused by its young users. For this, a REFURBISHING loop was chosen and each recovered product is then refurbished to give them a second life. At the end of their journey, they are donated to associations such as the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris.

Discover the Bookinou Circular Economy process through these videos:

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