Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

LaunchPad program
designing and prototyping your ideas

Need to take your concept to the next level?

Choose the LaunchPad program

A design program
for your smart projects

faisabilité technique

Validate technical feasibility and market interest

prototypes 3d

Produce prototypes within a controlled budget and an optimized timeframe

développement produit connecté

Benefit from an external development unit

The LaunchPad program enables you to produce products that are representative of the final product in an optimized timeframe and within a controlled budget.

The different stages of the program allow you to validate technical specifications and/or carry out your market tests.

Do you have a project to discuss with us?
Benefits of the program

Mechanical and electronic R&D

Determination of the global product architecture (dimensioning, wireless protocols, consumption optimization, etc.)

Proactive advice from dedicated experts

Simplified design from an industrialization and advanced prototyping perspective

A unique
low-risk program

System of non-binding milestones

iot satellitaire

IoT satellite terminal

albiges Rolltrot

Pool reel

idodata - bracelet connecté

Bracelet DIAL

3d rudder gaming VR

VR and Gaming Motion Controller



defibrilateur connecte

Smart defribrillator

Life AZ
Benefit from Altyor’s experience

At Altyor, we have been providing industrial manufacturing for our customers for nearly 30 years. The LaunchPad program is a solution that allows customers to benefit from Altyor’s expertise in our core areas: hardware and firmware.

Altyor has been developing and manufacturing smart devices since they first entered the market. Sensors, radio protocols, power supply: over 160 building blocks mastered by Altyor are available to you within the LaunchPad program.

A program for …

testing your market

Before taking the step towards industrialization and mass production, Altyor offers you the opportunity to carry out market tests with products resembling the serial version. A quick and financially controlled way to check whether your product is suitable for your market and to retrieve feedback from the field, in order to modify your business plan or adjust your product’s functionalities.

R&D for your related projects

Have you got innovative projects you wish you could develop but lack the internal R&D resources to take care of them? Altyor will be your external development unit. You will stay competitive thanks to an agile back-up that takes the load off your internal teams.

This program also allows you to develop projects using skills that you lack in-house, by leveraging the skills that Altyor has been mastering for 30 years.

marketing to investors in your sector

By choosing the LaunchPad program, you will have functional demonstrators of a quality resembling the finished product in order to raise funds. Your future investors will be won over by your professionalism and the seriousness of your project thanks to demonstration prototypes made by experienced industry professionals.

Got a project to submit?
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+33 238 250 090

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121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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