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Electronic prototyping

Prototyping phases to validate the hardware and software modules installed on the PCB board

Protos A and B: two objectives

On the electronic side, the first prototype of the PCB board, called Proto A, is intended to get the software developments to where they need to be as soon as possible, to carry out a first inventory on the certification protocol and to present our customer with a demonstrator.

The second prototype, Proto B, incorporates all comments on the certification protocol, changes made after the launch of Proto A, production of the manufacturing file for the pre-serial run and validation of the embedded software in the final target.

This allows us to validate all the functionalities defined in the specifications.


Extensive PCB testing

Altyor’s electronic design house organizes unit tests to validate the hardware and software modules installed on the PCB board. A unit test report is updated at each step of the testing process. Hardware tests start with Proto A.

Immediately after the first hardware validations, a prototype is made available to the software development team for porting and initial software testing. The milestone is confirmed once all the hardware and software drivers have been validated.

The objective of the validation tests carried out by Altyor is to ensure that the product perfectly conforms to the specifications.

The milestone is reached when all the requirements are confirmed as having been met, either by calculation (e.g., measurement accuracy on acquisition chains), inspection (dimensions, etc.), compliance with datasheets (environment, etc.), or testing.


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IoT satellite terminal

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Bracelet DIAL

3d rudder gaming VR

VR and Gaming Motion Controller



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Smart defribrillator

Life AZ
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45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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