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The Design for Tomorrow Eco-Responsible Index

Towards eco-responsible excellence in the manufacture of our customers’ connected objects

In 2020, Altyor launched Design for Tomorrow, an approach that aims to design eco-intelligently for responsible manufacturing. To give substance to this approach, Altyor has created the Design for Tomorrow index.

As an industrial manufacturer of electronic objects, we mobilise our customers to take eco-design approaches into account. The Design for Tomorrow index is therefore a positive approach with 5 levels of progression to evaluate the eco-responsibility of products:


this is the first stage of our eco-responsibility scale which shows our client’s willingness to undertake an eco-design approach. At this stage, their eco-responsible choices are minimal. The product score is less than 50 out of 100.


this is the stage where the product validates certain decisive criteria. Following the analysis of the product, its score is between 50 and 70 out of 100.


the product is increasingly eco-committed, its strategy is focused on reducing its carbon footprint. It scores between 75 and 85 out of 100.


the product has reached a very important stage where it has validated the majority of the eco-responsible criteria. Its score is above 80 out of 100.


This is the ultimate level of eco-responsibility where the client’s product does everything possible to reduce its environmental impact, both in its design choices and in its circular economy strategy.

The two objectives of our eco-design index

The Design for Tomorrow index is calculated during product development and integrated into the eco-design justification file, which evaluates the product and the actions implemented to improve its environmental footprint.

  • Supporting our customers in their sustainable choices and in their efforts to achieve eco-responsible excellence in their connected products
  • To create a reference framework applicable to all Altyor products, bringing together the Design for Tomorrow technological bricks resulting from our industrial experience
Comment savoir si votre objet électronique est éco-responsable ? Indice Design for Tomorrow

Our eco-design approach applies to 4 main families

bureau d'études électronique éco-responsable

Autonomy, reparability and durability of electronics

The electronics category includes several criteria related to autonomy, reparability and durability. The score will therefore be better if the firmware can be updated to facilitate after-sales service interventions and corrections at the customer’s premises, thus avoiding the creation of ‘disposable’ products as soon as a new version is released. This category also takes into account the efforts made to limit components with a high environmental impact and to limit energy use. Finally, the lifetime is also calculated via the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure).

eco conception objets iot

Recycled plastic, demountability and recyclability of the mechanics

The eco-design of this category is linked to 4 main criteria. Firstly, the incorporation of recycled material, in particular plastic, in order to have a significant carbon gain. Then, the dismantlability of the products is analysed in order to verify if the dismantling is facilitated with the aim of setting up circular economy loops. Then the recyclability will also be observed. This involves judging the solutions put in place to simplify product recycling, which may include avoiding overmoulding, bi-material products, and the use of paint and varnish.

produits connectés éco-responsable

Single-material packaging for simplified recyclability for the end user

This category has 3 objectives: to increase the recyclability of the packaging and simplify the sorting for the end user, to limit the impact of the materials used and to limit unnecessary waste. To achieve this, the Design for Tomorrow team will focus on the design of single material packaging, the use of recycled paper and cardboard and the removal of non-essential elements.

objets connectés fabrication eco responsable

Bonus points for reducing the environmental footprint

Bonus points are awarded for any initiative aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of the product. This can be the implementation of a circular economy loop, the implementation of a self-diagnostic tool in the product to facilitate repair or the carrying out of a life cycle analysis to quantify the impacts.

Eco-design justification file

Altyor designs eco-friendly products for its customers through its two mechanical and electronic design offices. Throughout the design process, the eco-responsibility of the product is assessed to ensure a reduced environmental footprint. This justification file proves the work done and is provided with recommendations from our Design for Tomorrow team.

It consists of its Life Cycle Assessment, which is the environmental diagnosis of the product as a whole against environmental indicators, and its Design for Tomorrow Index, which rates the product against eco-design criteria.

This eco-design justification file is submitted and reviewed at 3 stages during product development:

  • At the initiation of the project by a preliminary eco-design study
  • At the handover of the prototypes by an eco-design study with recommendations
  • At the industrialisation stage with the finalisation of the report according to the design choices
Guide analyse cycle de vie

How to calculate and analyse the ecological footprint of your product?

Life cycle assessment is the starting point for understanding the environmental impact of your product. To understand the ins and outs of what is known as LCA (life cycle assessment), we have put together 14 answers that will shed some light.

Our latest news on eco-design

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