Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

Functional prototyping

Prototyping, an essential phase to validate your design

Technical and market validation

Prototyping mainly allows to verify the technical feasibility of the product following its study by our R&D centre. In addition to validating the technicality, the prototype is also necessary to define your complete use-case including the internal scenario for a better appropriation of teams.

conception carte électronique

Prototyping, a gateway to industrialization

This phase generally consists of two stages:

  • A prototype 0 whose objective is to validate the electronic features
  • A prototype F (final) that will validate the mechanical part as well as the electronic part, this time enclosed.

Your role is very important. Adjustments and settings are performed between the 2 prototyping phases, until the validation of the final prototype. For certain complex products, the number of iterations may be greater than 2. Your validation of the prototype F will enable to move on to the next phase, in particular the launch of tooling production.

State-of-the-art internal tooling

Our prototyping equipment allows us to save design time without the need for expensive tools. However, some complex products require the use of moulds to validate essential components of the product such as sealing or strength.

prototypage industriel

Technologically adapted, sustainable and ethical decisions

Altyor proposes an optimal engineering solution adapted to your needs. Sustainable, because we do not create single-use products and we design each product to last over time. Never programmed obsolescence, correctly sized batteries, and designed for ease of servicing. Finally, we manage our choice of electronic components using socially responsible criteria, such as their environmental risks (RoHs and Reach), or their provenance outside of conflict zones.

Discover our eco-responsible measures in our policy
Design for tomorrow.


iot satellitaire

IoT satellite terminal

albiges Rolltrot

Pool reel

idodata - bracelet connecté

Bracelet DIAL

3d rudder gaming VR

VR and Gaming Motion Controller



defibrilateur connecte

Smart defribrillator

Life AZ
Got a project to submit?
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+33 238 250 090

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121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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