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How to calculate and analyse the ecological footprint of your product?

Measuring the ecological impact of your product

Life cycle assessment is the starting point for understanding the impact of your product on the environment. To fully understand the ins and outs of what is known as LCA (life cycle assessment), we have put together 14 answers that will shed some light.

The challenges of a life cycle assessment

Any eco-responsible approach to your product must start with an analysis of the real impacts: is it transport, is it production, is it your packaging, is it your materials used? Answering these questions will enable you to implement the most effective actions possible. It is this life cycle analysis that will enable you to do this. It is a multi-criteria approach that aims to quantify and list all the material and energy flows involved in the life of a product.
But how to proceed? What data will be extracted? What actions can be taken as a result? In this guide, our experts have answered the most important questions for understanding life cycle assessment.

Here are some of the questions you may find :

  • What standards govern life cycle assessment?
  • What are the main steps in an LCA?
  • What does the life cycle inventory include?
  • What environmental indicators are assessed?
  • What tools and resources are available?
  • What do the results look like?
  • How can the results be analysed?
  • What actions can be taken as a result?
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