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Cartesiam & Altyor, IA Edge at the service of hardware

Cartesiam & Altyor, IA Edge at the service of hardware

Cartesiam & Altyor, IA Edge at the service of hardware 1000 405 Altyor


WALES is the result of a collaboration between Cartesiam, a specialist in embedded artificial intelligence systems, and Altyor, a major player in the design and manufacture of smart devices.

WALES is a prototype leak detector suitable for all valves. After fitting Wales on two pipe positions, the Machine Learning library generated by Cartesiam’s artificial intelligence software runs a 30-second learning step for each position. The software chooses the optimum algorithmic model for leak detection with maximum precision. In just one minute, WALES informs you of the leaky valve.

Discover WALES in this video : 


WALES, The first water leakage sensor led by Edge AI




“Our mission is to enable companies to move from the ‘Internet of Things’ to the ‘Intelligence of Things’. Our partnership with Altyor, a key industry player, is perfectly in line with this strategy and WALES is just the first in a long series of intelligent devices for which we feel nothing but pride.” JOËL RUBINO, CEO CARTESIAM

“At Altyor, we believe strongly in Edge Computing technology and if we are to democratize it, Cartesiam, a market disrupter, needs industrial partners like Altyor to manufacture their products.” YANIS COTTARD, CEO ALTYOR



Press contact: Marion –  moc.r1722066940oytla1722066940@nitn1722066940elavm1722066940


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