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Contract Manufacturing: how to choose your design house and manufacturer

Contract Manufacturing: how to choose your design house and manufacturer

Contract Manufacturing: how to choose your design house and manufacturer 1000 523 Altyor

With the dramatic growth of the internet of things (IoT) and the increase in smart cloud-based solutions, many startups want to develop their custom hardware device to deliver great products and an equally great customer experience. But IoT is a complex field that requires a broad range of expertise. As such, there are many pitfalls to avoid, such as wanting to do everything yourself and underestimating the complexity and scope of the areas of expertise required to successfully complete your project. Read on for some tips on how to start your your smart object manufacturing projects and choose your industrial contractor

bureau d’étude objets connectés

Choose an electronic design house specialized in IoT

Hardware development requires a broad range of expertise in operations (sourcing, manufacturing, quality management) and engineering (mechanical, electronic, software, program management). Thinking IoT also means thinking connectivity and interactions with a smart phone or a backend. It requires a truly holistic approach. To get around this, one option is to hire an external specialized design house with extensive experience in developing smart objects that is an expert in communication protocols (Wi-Fi, BlueTooth, BLE, Sigfox, LoRa, EnOcean, Z-Wave, 2G, etc.) and that is organized around areas of expertise such as design thinking, industrial design, mechanical engineering, electronics and IT.

Hire an external specialized design house with extensive experience in developing smart objects

Altyor has been active in the world of smart objects for nearly 10 years now, with the following motto: “turn your ideas into marketable products! “. Yanis Cottard, the group’s CEO, has seen this market emerge and evolve, so he has an excellent understanding of trends and uses. He believes that the consumer experience is the key to this market. To create new uses, players must think about the user experience with their product.

Bureau d’Etude électronique spécialisé dans l’IoT
assemblage contract manufacturing

Where to have your smart products manufactured

There are no ready-made answers to this. You can do it in Europe or in China; the main thing is that the manufacturer is able to do the Research & Development. This will really simplify the production launch and the transfer of information between R&D and production. Too many companies promise an industrial design without discussing their choices with the future manufacturer. This often leads to pricing issues, which will involve product adjustments and longer lead times for the final product – setbacks that can be fatal to a project, leaving the field open for competitors to swoop in.

Other key points to make the right choice (certification, packaging, shipping)

As you can see, it is not enough just to think electronics; you have to think IoT, because a smart product also involves mechanics, packaging, a certification, instructions, etc. Your manufacturer must be able to offer a complete range of services from your idea to the display of your product in a store or online within a very tight timeframe in order to optimize the time to market of your products. Very few players are able to cover everything.

It is not enough just to think electronics; you have to think IoT

Altyor has chosen to integrate as many areas of expertise as possible to think “product”: R&D center, industrialization and production unit, logistics platform, etc., with the sole objective of having complete control of the contract manufacturing chain.
In addition to its extensive range of services, Altyor is known for its flexibility and its ability to build lasting partnerships with its customers.

As such, choosing your manufacturer means being able to determine whether it has a good understanding of the issues. It also means choosing a contractor capable of offering a complete services solution specific to the internet of things (study & design, manufacturing, certification, packaging and distribution). This is what will make all the difference!

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