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How Covid-19 has positively impacted our organization

How Covid-19 has positively impacted our organization

How Covid-19 has positively impacted our organization 400 415 Altyor

For many businesses, Covid-19 has been synonymous with ultra-rapid change and adaptation. For example, during lockdown, two thirds of French employees were obliged to work from home (a practice previously reserved for a minority), which meant rearranging work equipment, integrating digital tools, and/or changing the practices around internal communications. Our businesses have had to adapt in order to survive.

At Altyor, tools such as Teams had just been put in place before lockdown and the majority of employees were equipped with laptops. Bottom line, this kind of forward thinking allowed our company to keep the business running without downtime. We continue to grow and are even in the middle of a recruitment campaign!


In reality, for us, lockdown was not about speeding up the deployment of work-related tools, but about accelerating their use with real-life, on-the-job training rather than a training plan that would have taken a few months to implement. Our teams therefore changed their work habits instantly and were able to adapt quickly.

At this point, there is no turning back and we don’t want to go back! We chose to leverage the advantages of lockdown to evolve as an organization. Our main takeaway: democratize telework because it is a source of wellbeing and productivity.


We believe that mutual trust between employees and managers is vital to the success of both individuals and organizations.




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