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Our responsible commitments

Our CSR charter

The purpose of this charter is to reflect the way in which Altyor articulates its compliance with laws and standards in terms of ethics and social responsibility. It is an opportunity to reinforce our values and to communicate our commitments to our employees, customers, suppliers and, more broadly, to all stakeholders.

More about our social and environmental policies

Altyor is committed to both environmental and social issues. Anti-harassment policy, human rights, ecological … Find our commitments in the sheets below.

Our carbon footprint

Altyor has taken the spontaneous step of carrying out its carbon footprint in 2021, a process that has enabled us to understand the environmental impact of our business and implement a low-carbon strategy.

I alert

Whether you are Altyormates (all entities), customers, suppliers or partners, we have created this form to facilitate reporting of any behavior that does not comply with company policies. This mechanism covers all of Altyor’s policies, which you can find on the CSR commitments page.

Altyor referents

Bastien Spinella
Bastien Spinella
Karen RH Altyor france
Karen Murciano
Alexis Lutun
Alexis Lutun
Laurent Moskoteoc
Hélène Guérif
Got a project to submit?
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Contact us

Write to us here
Do you prefer the telephone?
+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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