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Latest Altyor news: Merger of subsidiaries

Since 2012, Altyor is actually divided into two subsidiaries: Altyor Industries SAS and Altyor Solutions SAS, for historical reasons. In 2021, Altyor will simplify things around a single administrative name: Altyor Industries SAS. No big changes for you. Yanis Cottard, CEO of Altyor, explains it all below​

  • Altyor Industries remains the same structure with the same purchasing conditions. However, the address of the head office has changed, as well as some legal information.
    Here is the updated legal information to be reported on your documents and updated in your database :

    Adress: 121 rue des hêtres, ZA de la Saussaye 45590 SAINT CYR EN VAL, France
    Office: +33 (0)2 38 25 00 90
    Official company registration account (SIREN): 434 255 816
    Official company registration account (SIRET): 434 255 816 00069
    VAT number: FR36 434 255 816
    Share capital: 608 300€
    Legal Form: SAS – société par actions simplifiée
    Creation date : 01/02/2001

    Download the identity card

  • I will become a supplier to Altyor Industries with the same purchasing conditions as those established with Altyor Solutions. Some legal information changes however.
    Here is the current legal information to be included in your documents and updated in your database:

    Adress: 121 rue des hêtres, ZA de la Saussaye 45590 SAINT CYR EN VAL, France
    Office: +33 (0)2 38 25 00 90
    Official company registration account (SIREN): 434 255 816
    Official company registration account (SIRET): 434 255 816 00069
    VAT number: FR36 434 255 816
    Share capital: 608 300€
    Legal Form: SAS – société par actions simplifiée
    Creation date : 01/02/2001

    Download the identity card

  • No, your contacts will remain the same, whether they are Project or Serial: Project Manager, Strategic Purchasing, Operational Purchasing (procurement), Project Quality, Serial Quality, etc… They are the same people with whom you will speak.

  • For the moment no, the bank details remain the same but may change rapidly.

  • No, Altyor’s governance was already organized by considering Altyor Industries and Altyor Solutions as a common structure. The merger will not change anything.

  • No, Altyor Industries and Altyor Solutions were already wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Altyor Group. The two merged structures are combined under Altyor Industries, which is still a 100% subsidiary of the Altyor Group.

  • At Altyor, all the orders you have are automatically transferred to the new structure. Orders will therefore be kept, the delivery schedules and delivery times will remain the same. Your documents and invoices will have to be issued to the new structure from 1/1/2021, respecting its new coordinates.

  • Yes, you will have to register the new information from Altyor Industries in your ERP.

  • Altyor Solutions item codes do not change. If you were an Altyor Solutions supplier, you become an Altyor Industries supplier but the item codes do not change.
    However, Altyor Industries item codes will be unified in 2021 on the new system. If you were an Altyor Industries supplier, you will need to update the Altyor item codes in your database, if they are stored in your ERP system.

  • Not necessarily, Altyor Solutions is merged with Altyor Industries and all commitments are transferred to ALTYOR Industries. However, if you prefer, it is possible to sign a new NDA on behalf of Altyor Industries.

  • Not necessarily, Altyor Solutions is merged with Altyor Industries and all commitments are transferred. However, if you prefer, it is possible to sign an amendment to the contract stating that Altyor Industries replaces Altyor Solutions.

  • Altyor Solutions is merged with Altyor Industries and all commitments are transferred. Altyor Solutions’ suppliers de facto transfer the applicable warranty on products and means of production to Altyor Industries.

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