Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

the 1st startup studio dedicated to hardware

Support solution for product reflection in search of financing, through industrial expertise, with a dedicated coach and the intervention of experts

Choose the SunRise program

12 weeks to build a viable and realistic project

expert business plan

Be advised by experts on the relevance of your product, your business plan and your technical choices

maximiser chances de levées de fonds

Be equipped with a solid and complete fund-raising application to maximize your chances of developing

Be prepared for the pitch in form and substance

Discover Sunrise

The challenges of a start-up are numerous: financing, skills, understanding the market.
Failures are often due to an overly ambitious time to market, a complex equation between product cost price, distribution margin and selling price, and poorly valued initial investments.
Altyor created Sunrise to support start-ups to maximize their chances of success through expert advice and a dedicated coach.

Do you have a project to discuss with us?
Benefits of the program

A dedicated coach

Meet Julien Casel, 14 years of entrepreneurship and nearly 8 fund-raisers

Realistic data

Business plan assumptions validated with the Sunrise pledge, reassuring investors

An industrial vision

A program to have an industrial vision of your product thanks to stakeholders and experts in their field

Got a project to submit?
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Contact us

Write to us here
Do you prefer the telephone?
+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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