Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

The Make it! Academy for hardware start-ups

The Make it! Academy for hardware start-ups

The Make it! Academy for hardware start-ups 1000 553 Altyor

Make it! academy, first promo

For 11 weeks, 5 hardware start-ups took part in a special hardware program organized by Altyor and Groupe Stratos. The aim of the program: to prepare the start-ups to pitch to hardware investors on June 22, 2023.

Kick off on April 14

After a mock pitch in front of the teams, each start-up had the opportunity to (with kindness) take advice from our experts. Altyor contributed its technical expertise as an industrial manufacturer of connected objects, and Groupe Stratos as a pitch deck specialist.

“Very good format, relevant comments.” Hassan Koulouh, Yukik

 ”The contact was very good, and we felt confident that the project was in good hands.” Olivier Cartaux, Os Factory

Optimum preparation

In the weeks that followed, Stratos conducted a series of individual and group training sessions to produce a high-performance pitch deck that met investors’ expectations. All this was enhanced by technical meetings with Altyor’s teams to discuss their specifications and industrial strategies, and to ensure that their projects were consistent with industrial realities.

 ”I’m delighted to be learning about a subject I haven’t mastered. This program is a real gas pedal.The comments are pertinent and the content very detailed.” Olivier Cartaux, Os Factory


On June 22, after having lunch with the investors to meet them in a less formal way, the start-ups in the program made their pitches in front of an audience of investors and partners. 10 minutes to pitch and 15 minutes to answer a series of questions. The aim: to be clear, concise and attractive!
Will the fruits of their labor arrive? Will investors commit? Too early to say. We’ll keep you posted!

 ”Top notch! Very good program” Romain Palmade, Centiloc

“Great organization, Julien is very relevant and the overall program helped us speed up the project. The fact that we were able to meet the investors over lunch was a very good idea and helped to humanize the event.” Olivier Cartaux, Os Factory

“Quality selection. We didn’t have the junior analysts and there was no wave of cancellations, which shows how serious we are. A warm welcome, nothing to say. Relevant and effective coaching.” Vincent Gunther, Bookinou

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– the support of industrial experts with nearly 30 years’ experience
– flexibility and proactivity to meet changing needs, especially for start-ups
– Transparency, trust and responsiveness, with a dedicated project manager and technical leaders.

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