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It is written in our DNA

Quality is central to Altyor: our company, our processes, and our products.

Our quality policy

We have defined several key areas of focus and their associated challenges. In response to these challenges, we have set quantified strategic objectives.
The four pillars of Altyor’s quality policy:

Cohesion and responsibility

We want every Altyormate to thrive in his or her role and within the company.

Customer satisfaction

We want every single customer to have a successful and rewarding experience with Altyor.

EHS/SRE/DFT commitments & process maturity

We aim to work efficiently by following optimised processes, to act responsibly and to integrate EHS/SRE/DFT values.

Finance and growth

Altyor’s approach to risk, profitability and investment strikes the right balance.

Supply chain and purchasing efficiency

We are optimising our supply chain management and working to improve relationships with our suppliers.

Processus qualité Altyor

Altyor’s processes

Altyor’s quality management system is built on a process approach that reflects the operational functioning of the company. It is a global and transversal vision, independent of the functional setup.

Altyor has three defined processes:

  • Management process: helping to manage and improve quality performance
  • Customer process: how the services are provided
  • Support process: to ensure the smooth running of the implementation phase.

Project management at Altyor is driven by customer processes, in particular Answer. For each milestone passed, a customer validation and associated deliverables must be completed. We go through several iterations at key phases (prototyping and production), ensuring that the project reaches maturity while managing the risks. These are the subject of DFMEA and PFMEA analyses.

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Product quality

All products on the production line are tested to ensure consistent quality. In addition, a quality engineer is assigned to each project to monitor and control the quality of the products according to the customer’s needs. The control plan lists all potential problems by workstation and determines the testing frequency to allow monitoring and a posteriori analysis of the issues.

We guarantee transparency with an open Bill of Materials (BOM) and the release of deliverables on an ongoing basis. We also ensure project and product confidentiality, which means that our customers’ intellectual property is protected.

Banc de test Altyor
Got a project to submit?
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Contact us

Write to us here
Do you prefer the telephone?
+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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