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Security and tracking

Security of smart devices

Security is a crucial issue now, and will be even more so in the future, given the number of smart products that have invaded consumer and professional markets. However, security is only as good as the way it is implemented. We must understand the many constraints if we are to make the right choices from the outset and guarantee a high level of security.

The security of smart devices lies in their use, or how to make sure that the data sent will not be accessed and used by others. Three aspects must be considered: data protection, the identity of the originator and, finally, the validity of the information. At Altyor, security is paramount. This is played out at the software level thanks to a software library in the device’s processor that will ensure the different levels of security desired. Security also plays a role in the choice of specific components designed to make accessing the security key more difficult.

Within Altyor, we have an internal unit dedicated to monitoring cybersecurity. This team is familiar with relevant standards and regulations, such as EN 303.645 or IEC 62.443, and knows how to apply them, both to the devices and to the architecture of the envisaged solution.

Expert opinion: Thierry Roy, customer solution architect

#1 To secure an IoT device, it is necessary to first identify the issues and understand what the possible means are to attack the device.

#2 It is then necessary to implement the appropriate security measures, whether they be physical protection, connection authentication, encryption of the information exchanged, or integrity checks of the data received.

#3 But above all, the basic rule is to allow the embedded software to be updated in order to address any security flaws.

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