Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

Our partners

Getting involved locally, sharing, learning


Innovation and entrepreneurship; discover the ecosystems in which Altyor operates.
logo labo orleans

Altyor is a member of LABO Orléans, the LAB’O Village by CA Orléans


Altyor is a partner of the AgreenTech Valley, creating a link between the agricultural world and the digital world.

polyvia logo

Altyor and Polyvia join forces to build a responsible and committed plastics industry

logo digital league

Digital League offers to all companies, whatever their size, actions to serve 3 missions: federate, grow together and shine.

logo s2e2

Altyor is a member of S2E2, a competitiveness cluster specializing in energy management.

Technologic partners

Meet our partners, each an expert in their field.
partenaire technologique
logo cresitt

Member of the Cresitt industrie

logo industry lab

Member of the Industry Lab

wirepas logo

Wirepas, partner in software development of connected objects

logo cocarde

Covade for embedded software solutions adapted to each customer

logo thetribe

theTribe offers solutions for creating custom web platforms and mobile applications

Breathe easy

Altyor supports the fight against cystic fibrosis, a genetic and hereditary disease affecting mainly the respiratory and digestive tracts. The association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose supports patients and their families and has four core missions: cure, care, live better and raise awareness.

Technology, innovation, education

Innovation is in our DNA. We want to share this culture.
foire aux neurones

Sponsor of the foire aux neurones

polytech orléans iot

Partner of the engineering school Polytech Orléans

& Leisure

Altyor believes in the values of sport: fun, challenge, and teamwork
engagements sportif
orléans master badminton

Altyor has been a major sponsor of the Orléans master badminton since 2014.

olivet natation

Sponsor of the Club de natation d’Olivet, a local commitment for a dynamic club.

chemin de l'eau combleux

Altyor sponsors the waterways and the whole team enjoys relaxing trips on the Loire river.

Got a project to submit?
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Contact us

Write to us here
Do you prefer the telephone?
+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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