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After 1 year, let’s take a look at the UnLock program

After 1 year, let’s take a look at the UnLock program

After 1 year, let’s take a look at the UnLock program 1000 523 Altyor

For nearly 20 years, Altyor has been designing and manufacturing smart devices for major companies such as Somfy and innovative startups such as Unistellar. The coming years will mark a turning point in IoT, with the widespread use of connected objects in all sectors, both industrial and BtoC.

With this turning point in mind, Altyor has decided to bring the UnLock program to life, to help companies make strategic choices in the face of the new challenges posed by IoT.


This birth took place 1 year ago at the dawn of the first confinement which marked the year 2020. An event that also marked Altyor, notably with the 1st UnLock mission during the “closure” of France.


Over the past 12 months, 8 missions have been carried out. Start-ups, large groups, ETIs: all different but with the same mission: to break down the barriers of their IoT project with the UnLock program.


To work on an UnLock project, each Altyor expert is called upon to contribute. This may be Thierry Roy, Customer Solutions Architect, Thomas Gauthier, Managing Partner, Alexis Lutun, CIO, Yanis Cottard, CEO or Julien Marichy, Director of Industrialization and Managing Partner.

« The UnLock program has helped us unlock situations involving technological choices, price optimization, product architecture construction and an adapted IoT ecosystem. It’s a real pleasure to work with such a wide range of companies and to share our knowledge. » Thierry Roy, customer solutions architect

The UnLock program addresses and has addressed these 3 needs over the past year:

prototypage industriel bilan

Be supported in defining the company’s IoT strategy

Altyor then becomes the IoT partner for defining a project in its entirety. To do this, we generally follow three steps:

  • An IoT audit of the business, i.e. defining together how your business can benefit from the growth levers offered by IoT
  • The identification of IoT opportunities by looking at what is being done elsewhere, the possibilities and defining opportunities
  • Building your IoT solution with a complete mapping of ecosystem partners

“The report we received from the UnLock program and the related analysis reached the level of scope and detail we expected. Its content shows a blend of Altyor’s past expertise/experience as well as information and advice found in the market (suppliers…) that makes it relevant to us at this stage of the project.”
Anonymous customer of the UnLock program

unlock program bilan

Be accompanied in the search for technological solutions

Some companies do not have the skills or the time internally to look for technological solutions that would bring performance and differentiation to their company or their product.
Their needs can be the search for solutions :

  • adapted sensors
  • energy management
  • or for example mechanical solutions for sealing

The output of UnLock is technological solutions for each problem, facilitating the customer’s decision making. Altyor thus enables these companies to benefit from technical expertise within a short timeframe.

«The Altyor team is very professional and offers a high level of expertise in hardware and IoT..»
Serge Ricardo, RedFabriq, UnLock program client

design to cost

Be accompanied in the optimization of my current product

From the first version of a product or a POC, the UnLock program allows to define the contours of the next step.
Customer needs may vary:

  • Optimization of the BOM
  • Optimization of the mechanics
  • Search for blocking points for industrialization
  • Optimized price according to the scenario

Our experts will thus:

  • Propose an optimized hardware architecture
  • Source compatible hardware references
  • Analyze the hardware options
  • Or recommend the best solutions according to the quantity/investment/price ratio of the hardware

«We are very happy with the work done, the professionalism and the quality of the exchanges with Altyorr »
Anonymous client of the UnLock program

If you would like to talk to our experts, please contact us at moc.r1722062457oytla1722062457@ssen1722062457isub1722062457 or use the form here

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