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Polyvia: a professional union of the plastics and composites industry

Polyvia: a professional union of the plastics and composites industry

Polyvia: a professional union of the plastics and composites industry 1000 523 Altyor
polyvia logo

Polyvia is a professional organization that represents polymer converters throughout France. Today, it brings together and represents more than 3,500 companies, with nearly 122,000 employees.

What is Polyvia?

Convinced that the polymer processing industry can create jobs in the regions and be sustainable and aligned with the social and environmental issues of our time, Polyvia is a network of companies that is helping to build a competitive, attractive and responsible industry committed to the circular economy.
Polyvia guides, supports, represents and promotes the interests of its members at the highest level in order to build a visible industry that is representative of all polymer processing markets. Polyvia also plays an advisory and monitoring role to anticipate major environmental, technological and societal trends that may affect its members and their markets.

What is the MORE label?

MORE is a European label created by the Federation of Plastics and Composites. The MORE label is awarded to manufacturers who source recycled plastics in their production. It is allocated each year on the basis of declarations of the volumes of recycled raw materials consumed. This label is based on the MORE platform, a digital tool launched in May 2019 by EuPC.

How is Altyor involved?

Altyor is involved in several areas. Firstly, Altyor was awarded the MORE Label in 2020 for its Design For Tomorrow program. Yanis Cottard, CEO of Altyor, is also involved as a member of Polyvia’s board of directors and President of the Centre-Val de Loire regional committee.

Polyvia et altyor

Yanis Cottard, CEO of Altyor and President of the Centre-Val de Loire regional committee, alongside Edouard Clément, Head of Territorial Coordination and Séverine Riffaud, Centre-Val de Loire Regional Delegate at Polyvia


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