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Cresitt, Electronics Technology Resource Centre

Cresitt, Electronics Technology Resource Centre

Cresitt, Electronics Technology Resource Centre 1000 523 Altyor
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CRESITT – Electronics Technology Resource Centre

CRESITT’s objective is to help manufacturers and laboratories in their development of communicating electronics and instrumentation. Cresitt is based in the Village by CA in Orleans, generally known as LAB’O (incubator of digitally oriented start-ups).

What is CRESITT?

CRESITT Industries was created in 1996 under a statute of association of 1901 law, and has had the CRT (Technological Resource Centre) label in electronics since 2007.
CRESITT assists SMEs in defining their requirements. It participates in the development of their activities through innovation and technology by relying on networks of skills.

What is the use of a technology resource centre, and for whom is it intended?

CRESITT offers a range of services thanks to its experience in electronics and its own technological resources. A real intermediary between research laboratories and SMEs, CRESITT offers adapted responses in terms of technological service.

What is the connection between CRESITT and ALTYOR?

Altyor is a partner of the Village by CA in Orleans (LAB’O). With CRESITT a resident of LAB’O, it is obvious that these 2 entities are close and exchange ideas on electronic subjects and new technologies. CRESITT needs partners like Altyor to advise its customers. ALTYOR requires CRESITT for assistance on projects requiring an electronics expertise.

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+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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