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S2E2 – Smart Electricity Cluster

S2E2 – Smart Electricity Cluster

S2E2 – Smart Electricity Cluster 1000 523 Altyor
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Competitiveness cluster, specialising in energy management

S2E2 a network of key actors in electrical energy. Their objective is to bring together companies, research and/or training institutions, and to support companies from the design of innovative products and services to their release on the market.

What is S2E2?

The mission of S2E2 is to support its members, from the design to the market release of products and services. This cluster offers its members a wide range of services designed to strengthen their competitiveness:
setting up and managing innovation projects, technical training, marketing support and technological monitoring.

What is the purpose of a cluster specialising in energy management and who is it for?

S2E2 supports start-ups, SMEs/midcaps, large groups, research/training structures and supports the development and growth of their business through innovation. Its network makes it possible to meet many partners offering real development opportunities.
S2E2’s expertise covers 4 strategic areas of activity, at the heart of energy management:

  • Electrical systems for mobility
  • Materials and components for electronics
  • Smart power grids
  • Smart buildings

What is the connection between S2E2 and ALTYOR?

Altyor always has to be on technical standby to respond positively to the high-tech demands of its customers. Altyor is a member of this cluster to monitor the activity and news of the members of this ecosystem and therefore to be at the forefront of new technologies.

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45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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