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Faced with Covid, Altyor innovates its customers’ production lines

Faced with Covid, Altyor innovates its customers’ production lines

Faced with Covid, Altyor innovates its customers’ production lines 1000 523 Altyor

At Altyor, production is launched with customers to meet their needs as best as possible and to ensure complete control of their production. It is also part of Altyor’s values to work together with its customers, in a true partnership. Our customers are therefore used to coming on line during the pilot run and serial run phases (stages prior to the ramp-up).

Faced with the health situation, travel is becoming more difficult, penalizing customers who in spite of everything want to produce their innovations as quickly as possible and not delay their time to market.

As such, Altyor’s teams decided to set up a live video system to allow customers to follow the implementation of their production remotely.

The first test took place last week. Our customer was able to follow the final test bench stages of its smart product.

“The test took just under an hour, with live interaction with the customer allowing all questions to be answered openly.”
Nicolas Moutaux, engineer in charge of implementing live videos.

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Two portable LED lights mounted on a bracket system, a laptop computer and a high-fidelity microphone installed on a cart with four omni-directional castors captured the various stages.

As the laptop had its own webcam, the customer was able to watch the action from three different perspectives (computer webcam, high-fidelity camera and cell phone).

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This live video system can be easily adapted for each customer and each configuration, moving quickly around the production floor.

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