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AgreenTech Valley: smart farming in Centre-Val de Loire

AgreenTech Valley: smart farming in Centre-Val de Loire

AgreenTech Valley: smart farming in Centre-Val de Loire 1000 523 Altyor

Altyor is delighted to be embarking on this new collaboration with AgreenTech Valley. The Centre-Val de Loire region, home to the group’s headquarters and R&D center, is a dynamic and innovation-oriented region. As such, being part of this cluster was a no-brainer for Altyor.

logo agreentech valley smart farming

What is AgreenTech Valley?

AgreenTech Valley is an association created in 2015 with the objective of creating a link between the agricultural world and the digital world. Its aim is to harness the potential of digital solutions to address the issues of the plant-based agricultural industries. Its values, such as sustainable agriculture, a hands-on approach and innovation for all, guide the cluster. AgreenTech Valley’s founding members include big names such as Axereal and John Deere.

What is smart agriculture or smart farming?

Smart agriculture refers to the use of digital solutions for all types of crops with the aim of optimizing the profitability of farms. Other objectives may be to make their work less onerous or to reduce their environmental footprint. Smart farming can be deployed in different ways such as through data collection or the optimization of activities.

agreentech valley smart farming centre
How will Altyor be involved?

Altyor will put its expertise in the world of smart devices at the service of companies in the agricultural sector. This will be done in the form of workshops and also by participating in events organized by the cluster. Our experts will be available to support agricultural projects.

To find out more about AgreenTech Valley, click here:

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