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Altyor commits to the French Business Climate Pledge

Altyor commits to the French Business Climate Pledge

Altyor commits to the French Business Climate Pledge 1000 553 Altyor

Almost 300 companies committed to reducing their environmental footprint

The French Business Climate Pledge is a group of French companies, created at the initiative of the MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France). They all have in common the will and the voluntary commitment to implement actions aiming at reducing their environmental footprint.

Today, nearly 300 companies are already committed to the French Business Climate Pledge. Large groups such as Air Liquide, Legrand or SNCF, but also smaller structures. You can discover their commitment on this website:

For example, SUEZ was one of the first signatories of the United Nations Global Compact’s “1.5°C – Our only future” pledge. Sodexo, a specialist in hotels and restaurants, is committed to being a responsible buyer and providing management services that reduce carbon emissions with an ambitious goal of reducing their carbon emissions by 3421% by 2025.

What are Altyor’s commitments?

Through Design for Tomorrow, our eco-responsible approach, Altyor implements more sustainable solutions for and with its customers, based on four commitments:

  • Committed to the design of sustainable products
    Altyor is committed to designing robust products with a maximum lifespan, thanks in particular to our qualification processes, with 100% of products passing qualification tests to ensure their aging and optimal resistance.
  • Committed to the use of recycled and reusable materials
    Altyor has created its own recycling loop with French partners, allowing us to inject products with 100% recycled material. Learn more about our recycling process in this article
  • Committed to the energy optimization of products
    Our electronic design office chooses with accuracy technologies and components allowing to reduce or optimize the energy in products and processes
  • Committed to ethical behaviour
    Altyor is certified by organizations such as Smeta (Sedex), ICS and Ecovadis, validating our compliance with international regulations. We extend this ethical ambition to our suppliers by committing them to our Design for Tomorrow approach through the signature of a CSR charter created by Altyor to guarantee compliance.

Our next steps?

It has been almost two years since Design for Tomorrow was launched within Altyor. More recently, the company has created its own scoring, which allows us to rate the smart devices we design in order to assess their eco-responsible performance and seek improvement actions. Altyor is in discussions with other players to extend this index to other companies. More on this soon…
Another of Altyor’s next steps is the creation of a list of prohibited technologies such as non-recyclable materials or the refusal of bi-material products.
In addition to our role as an industrial manufacturer, Altyor is also committed to its own company with the realization of a corporate carbon footprint for 2022 and the choice of responsible actions to reduce its own carbon footprint.

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