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The Industrial Bootstrap Diagnostic

Build your product architecture and production strategy

Take up the challenge of industrialization with Altyor

Since 1992, we have been assisting project leaders with their product architecture and production strategy. Our ability to understand technical and market needs is recognized, as is our in-depth knowledge of industrial processes and subcontractors. We master more than 160 hardware and firmware bricks, enabling us to make relevant product architecture choices with the aim of producing a product that can be easily industrialized. Finally, Altyor, a specialist in eco-design, created its own approach in 2020, Design for Tomorrow, and has built up its knowledge and experience base. Today, our engineers are making proposals to reduce the carbon footprint of products and imagine their end-of-life.

Altyor, through this industrial Bootstrap Diag’, will support you in meeting your industrial challenge.

The Industrial Bootstrap Diagnostic, What is it?

Construction of your specifications and product architecture
Realization of your detailed costing and your industrial planning
Recommendations on the industrial strategy to be implement
Raising awareness of eco-design
Are you interested in the Industrial Bootstrap Diagnostic? Contact us

How does an Industrial Bootstrap Diagnostic?

The construction of your Industrial Bootstrap Diagnostic will depend on the maturity of your project and your needs. Your diagnosis can be made up of all or part of these four blocks:

Analysis of the specifications and the value chain

We will analyze your specifications and, if necessary, transform your usage specifications into technical specifications. We will define your product architecture and establish the product nomenclature. Finally, we will analyze the value chain.

Advice on industrial strategy

In this Industrial Bootstrap Diagnostic, we will define your ‘make or buy’ strategy by family of parts or sub-assemblies. We will define the sourcing and localization strategy. Finally, we will present you with a matrix of choices for the different scenarios (needs, supplier strategy, resources, costing, risks, management, etc.).

Challenge of the business plan on the industrial part

With more than 140 IoT projects in the hands of our expert engineers, the costing and planning exercise is mastered and as close as possible to the realities on the ground and in the field.

Eco-design and eco-responsible decisions

We will make you aware of the challenges of eco-design of a product: reparability, durability, energy optimization. We will also provide you with good practices on product sobriety: packaging, recycled materials, simplicity, utility. Finally, we will advise you on the business model to choose for the creation of a circular economy loop and an anticipated end of life. 

All about the industrialization of a product

Industrialisation is a central stage in the development and production of an electronic product. In this guide, our experts have put together 16 key points to help you understand the challenges of this phase.

Our latest news on industrialisation

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