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How to deal with the certification of an electronic product?

How to deal with the certification of an electronic product?

How to deal with the certification of an electronic product? 1000 553 Altyor

First of all, why certify an electronic product?

First and foremost because it is mandatory, but the first reason and the most obvious, is to check that your product is not going to be dangerous for its users and those close by.
The 2nd reason is to check that a product will not disturb its environment and that it will not itself be disturbed by its environment.

In the process towards certification, the first question to be asked is what are the applicable standards?

First of all, what is important is to clearly define the countries in which it will be marketed. Some countries have their own certifications. For Europe, we are talking about the CE marking.
Then we must clearly define the use of the product, the context in which it will be used. Will it be used in an explosive environment, in a medical environment, by children, etc., as well as its functionalities: which radios will be used, its power supply, its connections, etc.
Answering these questions helps to identify the applicable standards
Often, a laboratory such as LCIE or Emitech, for example, will be able to assist you in identifying the applicable standards in addition to carrying out the certifications
It is important to identify the applicable standards at the start of the study so that they can be integrated in the design phase, which is very important.
Indeed, some standards require the use of specific components. If you don’t implement them from the start, it involves repeating additional prototype iterations to correct the defect.
The last step is to complete the certification. It is then a matter of carrying out the tests as defined in the applicable standards, generally by using a specialized authority that will report and allow the results to be justified.
Testing is not enough, there are also constraints on the markings on the product itself, on its packaging, and its instructions for use.
Finally, the company placing the product on the market must make a declaration of conformity available to the users, generally on its website, which identifies the company and the product, and declares its compliance with the applicable standards and directives, which must also be listed.

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