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How to combine an electronic product and ecological criteria?

How to combine an electronic product and ecological criteria?

How to combine an electronic product and ecological criteria? 1000 553 Altyor

Electronic object and ecology are not conflicting words

In reality, everything is played out right from design.
Indeed, manufacturing a responsible product is first and foremost intelligent design. At Altyor, we approach this from 4 angles through our Design for Tomorrow approach:
First, you may want to use recycled plastic. It is important to know that this is usually one of the main pollution criteria of your product’s life cycle. At Altyor, it’s been almost 10 years since we created our own recycling loop by recovering used product material and reinjecting it into recycled material. Today, this represents 26% of the total volume of plastic injected by Altyor. Our goal for 2022 is to double that number.

But to anticipate this recycling loop, our mechanical design office is considering the dismantling of the product from its design, avoiding glue or decorations that will generate appearance problems during recycling
An eco-responsible product is also a sustainable product, without programmed and repairable obsolescence. This is still a matter of design, for example by developing a product with an easy access to the electronic board. Sustainable also means choosing reliable components and assembly processes sustainable over time, a selection constructed thanks to our 30 years of industrial experience.
A responsible product is also a product whose energy management has been conceived and calculated to be optimised. Energy Harvesting is a key solution to do without batteries.
Finally, the ethical aspect is important both at the supplier level and internally.
Along with all this, it is essential to take stock of the environmental situation of your product with a life cycle analysis that will allow you to determine the priority actions to have a real improvement on the environmental impact.

About Altyor: With more than 30 years of experience in the industrial field, we offer a complete solution from IoT strategic thinking to the design and manufacture of connected objects.

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