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From design to manufacture of smart products

Discover Altyor's areas of expertise and the main steps in a project's development process

Guaranteed success for your customer journey

Answer is the acronym for Altyor NPI Solution for Wise and Efficient Realization. This tool is the result of three decades of product development experience. A team of mechanical engineers, electronic engineers, project managers, buyers, and quality personnel have developed this tool: the project timeline.

This timeline serves as a blueprint for each development project. Each step is crucial for the success of the next, with the goal of putting in place a robust production line and achieving finished products. This tool also guarantees transparency for the customer. The validation milestones allow the customer to be fully present and informed at all stages of the project. The customer is in control of its project, supported by Altyor.

Advantages of working with Altyor

production de qualité
picto traçabilité
Security and tracking
picto cir cii
CIR/CII tax credits


Processes make up the different stages of a project. This might start with product design, mechanical and electronic studies or go straight to industrialization. Each timeline is tailored to the customer’s project.

Here are the main processes that make up a project:

picto definition projet
IoT strategy

& project definition

picto design produit

Product & packaging

picto conception produit
Product design

Mechanical & electronic

picto prototypage produit
Functional product prototyping

Mechanical & electronic

picto prototypage produit

& certification support

picto industrialisation produit

Tooling, manufacturing & testing processes

picto manufacturing chine

Europe & China

picto logistique

Altyor worldwide

jalon développement produit


A milestone is an essential step in project management. The milestone is composed of three elements.

First, a milestone is akin to customer validation. It is the customer who approves the transition to the next stage of the process. This could be the validation of a study, a prototype, or a serial product. Without this validation, the project cannot move forward. As a customer, you can be sure that you are in control of your project.

Second, the milestone also involves customer feedback. We always make a point of collecting feedback from our customers throughout the project as part of our continuous improvement efforts.

Finally, a milestone can also involve the release of a deliverable.


A deliverable is a document (study, assembly range, etc.) or an object (prototype or serial product) that is handed over to the customer.

These “deliveries” allow the customer to put together the documentation for its project and obtain all the material elements. The customer enjoys freedom and peace of mind regarding its intellectual property rights.

Transparency and trust are guaranteed by Altyor.

livrabilité produit altyor
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45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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