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Industrial design: a complex yet fundamental step in the process

Design thinking for an optimal user experience

Since 2007, we have sought to build a ‘design thinking’ approach within Altyor to ensure that our customers receive distinctive and highly valued products. Design thinking is a new creative approach to production that aims to be all encompassing, combining product design, user experience, market environment and ecological impact.

The objective is to create a product that will offer the user a high-quality experience (UX), both for the product itself and everything that goes with it, such as the packaging, and for the user’s initial experience of discovering the product.

design objets connectés

Industrial design and realistic 3D rendering

Our designers begin by drawing the first sketches on digital tablets, which they then transfer to Solidworks or Pro-E to incorporate the structure, interior parts, and mechanical and electronic parameters. Several versions of this industrial design are created with realistic 3D renderings, resulting in proposals from which you will make your selection.

Our designers each have a proven track record in the industry. They are constantly on the lookout for new trends to offer the best in design.

The role of packaging,
more than an accessory

Besides enhancing the value of the product and the brand, packaging has many functions: attracting the buyer’s attention in the aisle, conveying a message (nature, quality, benefits of the product), triggering the purchase, appealing after the purchase, making it easier to use, optimizing downstream logistics, thinking about recyclability and its end of life, etc. Let us not forget the basic functions of packaging: to contain and protect.

Many factors have to be addressed in the packaging design: target consumer, current trend, position in the store, expected esteem value of the product and packaging, eco-thinking, target cost of the packaging, legal information, and so on.

The designer is also involved at this stage to guide the client on the dimensions, considering any logistical constraints. Altyor has substantial experience in distribution through its subsidiary Tiloli.

To make the job of finding the right packaging easier, Altyor offers a large library of models from which you can pick and mix.


iot satellitaire

IoT satellite terminal

albiges Rolltrot

Pool reel

idodata - bracelet connecté

Bracelet DIAL

3d rudder gaming VR

VR and Gaming Motion Controller



defibrilateur connecte

Smart defribrillator

Life AZ
Got a project to submit?
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+33 238 250 090

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121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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