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[Innovation] Towards excellence in eco-responsibility

[Innovation] Towards excellence in eco-responsibility

[Innovation] Towards excellence in eco-responsibility 1000 523 Altyor

Altyor launches its eco-responsible Design for tomorrow index

2 years ago, Altyor launched Design for tomorrow, an approach that aims to design eco-intelligence for responsible manufacturing. To give substance to this approach, Altyor created the Design for tomorrow index.
As an industrial manufacturer of electronic objects, we engage our customers to take eco-design approaches into account. Therefore, the Design for tomorrow index is a positive approach with 5 levels of progress for assessing the eco-responsibility of products:

badge design for tomorrow

Within this approach, 4 major families are taken into account:

  • Electronics: analysis of battery consumption, lifetime, firmware updates, etc.
  • Mechanics: incorporation of recycled plastic, dismantling, etc.
  • Packaging: recycled paper and cardboard, non-essential elements, etc.
  • and bonuses: realization of a LCA, another valuable environmental solution of the product, etc.
catégorie eco responsable

By rating products, we want to encourage our customers to take this green approach into account when assessing their progress towards eco-responsible excellence.

For more information, contact our press department moc.r1725895681oytla1725895681@sser1725895681p1725895681 or our sales department moc.r1725895681oytla1725895681@seni1725895681sub1725895681

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