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Wirepas: our partner in software development

Wirepas: our partner in software development

Wirepas: our partner in software development 1000 523 Altyor
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Altyor, as a manufacturer of complete electronic devices, smart industrial sensors and intelligent objects, as well as high volume mechanical products, is partnering with Wirepas to expand its technology portfolio to include Wirepas Mesh.

What is Wirepas?

Wirepas is an international company dedicated to software development in IoT. Its experienced teams work to provide their customers with a development environment that ensures reliable data flow between devices and the backend, including geolocation information. The Wirepas Mesh software brick makes it possible to locate and track people and equipment in real time on a large scale.

What is software?

A smart electronic device that collects information will need to store this information and process it before transmitting it (to an application for example). This is the role of the embedded software. Embedded software is all the pieces of software inside a device that will process the data. Today, embedded computing is everywhere: household appliances, cell phones, cars… and smart objects.

What is the partnership relationship between Wirepas and Altyor?

Through its partnership with Wirepas, Altyor offers its customers the ability to easily integrate and manage the geolocation of their products. Altyor is also a reliable intermediary for the development and manufacture of Wirepas’s customers’ products, which use this technology. Wirepas Mesh is also a cost-effective solution for Altyor’s customers. Thus, geolocation stops being obstacle and becomes an opportunity, thanks to Wirepas.

Find out more about Wirepas

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