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Renewed quality and CSR commitments

Renewed quality and CSR commitments

Renewed quality and CSR commitments 1000 553 Altyor

More than words, at Altyor, we adopt performance indicators related to our quality processes and our environmental, social and ethical commitments.

Our quality processes

Altyor has been ISO 9001 certified since 2005. This certification is linked to the quality management system. This standard certifies two aspects

  • our ability to provide products and services that meet customer and legal requirements
  • our continuous improvement to increase customer and stakeholder satisfaction (Altyormates, partners, suppliers, etc.)

Every year, Altyor is audited by an Afnor auditor who certifies whether or not we comply with the ISO9001 standard. And this year, once again, we were audited without any “non-conformity” and we therefore retain our certification. Our auditor also pointed out the “great maturity of our quality system, with a constant focus on our customers and on continuous improvement”.

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More concretely, Altyor has created and respects a strong quality policy based on 5 strategic axes:

Each activity is linked to a process and is under the control of a process owner. There are nearly 25 Altyormates who, in addition to their job, ensure that Altyor’s quality policy is properly implemented and that objectives are met.

Our CSR commitments

Our environmental, social and ethical commitments are pillars at Altyor. In particular, through Design for Tomorrow, which governs the way we design and manufacture our customers’ products with an eco-responsible approach.
At the corporate level and at the level of Altyormates, Altyor has put in place a number of actions to ensure the well-being of its employees and stakeholders. Ethics charter, anti-discrimination training, astonishment report, etc.

Thanks to these actions, Ecovadis, an external organization that evaluates companies’ CSR commitments, awarded us a silver medal for our CSR performance!

3rd place in the ladder is far from being suitable for us.
Our goal for 2022: to reach the GOLD badge!

Follow our CSR actions on our Linkedin page Linkedin page or by subscribing to our newsletter.

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Do you prefer the telephone?
+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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