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bookinou liseuse enfant

Bookinou: the wireless audio reader

Bookinou: the wireless audio reader 1000 523 Altyor

Children aged 1 to 6 years spend nearly 4 hours and 37 minutes a week watching television. To combat the…

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entreprise linux

Covade: Linux expert

Covade: Linux expert 1000 523 Altyor

Altyor has chosen to build its partnership with Covade as part of a strategy to surround itself with experts in…

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banc de test industriel

8 things to know about test benches

8 things to know about test benches 1000 523 Altyor

Nicolas Garcin, electronic engineer at ALTYOR, gives us his 8 top tips for understanding the importance of test benches, a…

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prototypage électronique chambre anéchoique

The anechoic chamber: between investigation and pre-certification

The anechoic chamber: between investigation and pre-certification 1000 523 Altyor

A blue room. Fiberglass cones. A deafening silence within. There’s no mistaking an anechoic chamber. Altyor has one at its…

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carte électronique contract manufacturing

Contract Manufacturing: how to choose your design house and manufacturer

Contract Manufacturing: how to choose your design house and manufacturer 1000 523 Altyor

With the dramatic growth of the internet of things (IoT) and the increase in smart cloud-based solutions, many startups want…

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concevoir objet connecté

The design of smart objects: first and foremost, understand the customer’s needs

The design of smart objects: first and foremost, understand the customer’s needs 1000 523 Altyor

When embarking on the design of a connected object, several criteria must be taken into account in order to successfully…

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