Candidatez pour la Make it! academy, programme d'accélération dédié au financement des start-ups hardware !

Gaming/youth/virtual and augmented reality

Reading, art, video games; be it the digitization of the activity itself or some kind of add-on, the goal is always to improve or increase the user experience. Take a look at our customers’smart book, graphics tablet or smart wallet: Altyor designs and produces a wide variety of sophisticated devices.

sport et loisir connecté


iot satellitaire

IoT satellite terminal

albiges Rolltrot

Pool reel

idodata - bracelet connecté

Bracelet DIAL

3d rudder gaming VR

VR and Gaming Motion Controller



defibrilateur connecte

Smart defribrillator

Life AZ
compteur eau connecté

Connected water meter

bouton sigfox 3d

Sigfox connected button

Europ Assistance
porte monnaie connecté

Contactless wallet

Money Walkie
sentit sigfox

Multi-sensor connected button

Suncase solar brother

Solar lighter

Solar Brother
aérateur de vin connecté aveine

Smart wine aerator

Got a project to submit?
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+33 238 250 090

The head office

121 rue des Hêtres
45590 Saint Cyr en Val

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